Our Vanilla Bean Length Designations

Featuring the Highest Quality Vanilla Beans from Around The World

[For a more detailed description of what characterizes gourmet, or “prime,” vanilla beans vs. extract-grade vanilla beans, click this link to the first Q&A of our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpage: “Which beans are right for me?”]

Unless otherwise indicated for a particular type of beans offered on our site, these are the designations we generally use in categorizing the lengths of the vanilla beans we supply:

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Gourmet Grade Vanilla Beans

ATC Designation Lengths (cm) Lengths (inches)
Undesignated/Standard (Most Websites) 15 cm. and shorter less than 6"
ATC “Long” 16 cm. minimum ~ 6¼" and longer
ATC “Extra Long” 16.5+ cm. ~ 6½" and longer
ATC “Super Long” 18+ cm. ~ 7" and longer
ATC “EXTREME XXL” 19+ cm. ~ 7½" and longer

Extract Grade Vanilla Beans

ATC Designation Lengths (cm) Lengths (inches)
Undesignated/Standard (Most Websites) 9 cm. - 14 cm. ~ 3½" - 5½"
ATC “Long” 15+ cm. ~ 6" and longer
ATC “Extra Long” 16+ cm. ~ 6¼" and longer
ATC “Super Long” 17+ cm. ~ 6¾" and longer
ATC “EXTREME XXL” 18.5+ cm. ~ 7¼" and longer

Amadeus Vanilla Beans
Shipping & Receiving

60 Richardson Rd
Kensington, CA 94707 USA
tel: 925-683-6950


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