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Double Fold Vanilla Extract - Certified Organic

Featuring vanilla extract Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth

The vanilla extract that can be bought on the supermarket shelf is called single fold (or single-strength) extract. The government (through the FDA) actually regulates the amount of vanilla beans that must be used in order for a product to be labeled as Pure Vanilla Extract.

In the case of single fold vanilla extract, it's a little more than ¼ pound of vanilla beans per gallon of alcohol - that's right, vanilla extract is 35% alcohol, or 70 proof! Double fold (or double-strength) extract, used more by commercial bakeries, contains double the amount of vanilla beans (that is, slightly more than ½ lb.) per gallon of alcohol. It is more expensive, but you get more vanilla flavor for the amount of vanilla extract used.

Buy Vanilla Extracts

Organic vanilla extract double fold 2X

Contact us for volume purchases, contracts, and long term commitments. Our terms and conditions of sale can be found here.

Prices quoted are in USD (United States Dollars). Due to the current vanilla beans market, all published prices are subject to change at time of order.

Price quoted are FOB (do not include shipping and handling charges from) our East Coast manufacturing partner.

Refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) page for information on how to properly store your vanilla extract.

What Does Certified Organic Mean?

Certified Organic means that a non-profit, state or private certification organization, accredited by the United States Department Of Agriculture (USDA), has verified that products labeled as organic meet strictly defined organic standards. Our certified organic pure vanilla extracts are manufactured under our private label and are certified organic by Oregon Tilth, Inc., which meets international (IFOAM) standards of organic accreditation.


Amadeus Vanilla Beans
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60 Richardson Rd
Kensington, CA 94707 USA
tel: 925-683-6950


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